Akrotiri Marsh - Fasouri Spring 2018

Akrotiri Marsh - Fasouri Reed bed

Is not all "in butter" in the converted Fasouri wetland but the wetland water management and the natural “reeds mowers” work as planned. Watch is all in the area of the Northern visitors hide.


Water is the magic formula that have brought back such as typical Waterfowls as the Garganey, Teal, Ferruginous, Norther Shoveler and Mallard back in this area of Akrotiri Marsh.


Pleasing to observe that the ducks offspring there is. Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron, little Egret, purple Herons and even the cattle egrets on site. A large number of coots and gallinules, waders, little Grebe and Kingfisher and again Pallid Swifts fly over the wetlands.


Now, the only thing missing it’s to set up those Visitor hide in a condition where the present birds are not disturbed by visible Visitors moving inside and outside. Then, the Northern hide at Akrotiri Marsh will move in a genuine visitor hotspot for birdwatchers and photographers. I've seen, the beginning is already made…….


Here some photos from April 2018

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